I show people how to open their minds, get rid of inessentials, and discover freedom. I propose two basic principles: courage and humbleness. The student is first taught to let go of their “know-it-all” mind and replace it with “don’t-know-mind”. This instills a greater receptivity, and allows one to move fluidly instead of being caught up in patterns, like a fish on a hook. Intuition and deep sensing are emphasized. These open up the doors of perception which allow a person to be more successful in attaining happiness. All my work involves grounding and centering, so it also promotes physical health and balance.
“The Power of Letting Go” is an entry point into the search for wisdom and how to live in harmony with the universe.
Recognized as a “must read, 5 stars book”, The Power of Letting Go received four awards in a swath of categories within months of its publication. It delivers stunning insights along with tools to shed stale beliefs and unconscious entrapments. It lights the way for a deeper connection to nature and to our true self.
Water has memory, intelligence, and a willingness to support life. Endlessly curious, patient and creative, it always finds its way to the sea and teaches us how to turn our obstacles into opportunities for new growth. A compelling book filled with rare information and beautiful imagery.
A series of humorous, pithy phrases and riddles designed to stimulate your brain and train you to think. A fun workbook which stretches your mind and shakes off the rust. Can be used as a mental workout for inner contemplation and spiritual focus.
The Power of Letting Go
Recognized as a “must read, 5 stars book”, The Power of Letting Go received four awards in a swath of categories within months of its publication. It delivers stunning insights along with tools to shed stale beliefs and unconscious entrapments. It lights the way for a deeper connection to nature and to our true self.
Composed of elegantly assembled, easy to read chapters, the author interweaves a wide spectrum of cutting-edge studies on health and healing, perspectives on spirituality, investigations into the nature of consciousness and events from his own life. This book has the character of a timeless work that will speak to audiences of all types, faiths and cultural backgrounds. An eloquent work of art, it includes vivid images drawn from nature and poetic evocations of ancestral voices. The messages it carries call out directly to the primal core of what we are.
Each chapter is by itself a source of inspiration and offers up a wealth of information followed by practical meditations and visualization exercises. The book is dedicated to the modern world’s yearning for meaning, and for the possibility of living in harmony, both physically and mentally. Its purpose is to antidote the undercurrents of stress by showing us how to strengthen our spirit and inner values.
• Depth probes into the human soul and our relationship with the natural world
• Wide selection of unique mind-body exercises for personal growth
• User-friendly chapters explain the connections between physics, spirit and energy
• A survival kit for adaptability and confidence in troubled times
• A manual for wisdom, contemplation and intuition
“The Power of Letting Go” has won book awards in the following categories:
USA Best Books: Self-Help
ReaderViews: Spirituality and Inspiration
Nautilus: Science / Cosmology
ForeWord Reviews: Body, Mind, Spirit
National Indie Excellence Award: Self Help – Spiritual
This is an inspirational work which challenges us to make our individual and collective lives more meaningful and free. The book asks us to question our unconscious beliefs and offers the reader the opportunity to absorb ancient wisdom in the light of contemporary scientific understanding. Most of all, it encourages us to be courageous in embracing life and love as the only pathway to self-healing and to making positive changes in the world. The book includes a spectrum of energy cultivation exercises and meditations for deepening the mind and re-connecting with the cosmos.
What causes us to suffer? Is the source external, or is it within us? In my work with alternative medicine, people come to me with a wide variety of problems and I do my best to help them. Their suffering is usually part physical, part emotional. However, there is something else that can be observed, deeper down. It is a kind of crack in the structure of their identity. Our mind is the real house we live in and, most often, some damage can be found at ground level. It is through this crack that fear enters.
This book is aimed at showing you how the two sides – active and passive – are, in fact, inseparable, and how to go about recuperating your inborn power, but without causing harm to others. Recuperating power does not equate with selfishness or domination. Such types of power as we typically see in the world and in history might be termed raw types of power. Because they always are used to maintain advantage or superiority over others, to force submission or to destroy, we can see there power in its crude state that has not been refined (or “cooked”) in the fires of reflection. Conscience exists within us all as an elemental fire or light. This light is also a type of power in the universe, and ultimately is far greater than the crude forms of power which always work to the detriment of something else. The power of light can change this raw power and transform it from destruction into creativity and cooperation. If we observe the great tapestry of Nature, we can see within it countless examples of that raw power as species prey on others weaker than themselves.